When required, roof anchor pull-out tests are carried out and certified by an engineer. The aim is to ensure that the roof structure has withstood the elements, and that the elements have not weakened the strength of the anchors from which the rope access technicians will be hanging.
This test involves applying a tensile force (18kn) to the anchor to measure its resistance (18 Kn / 4.046 lbs) to deformation.
It's important to carry out regular and rigorous roof anchor tests to ensure that anchors are in good condition and safe for users before they are used.
At Atelier en Hauteur, we strictly adhere to established safety standards. Our entire team of rope access technicians is SPRAT/IRATA certified. Not only are they highly qualified, but they are also supported by our ongoing training program to ensure consistent safety during worksite operations, as well as follow-up on work quality, new methods or the use of new products or work tools.